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Colored layout

  • type - colored

This layout is the same as basic, except that the timestamp, level and category will be colored according to the log event's level (if your terminal/file supports it - if you see some weird characters in your output and no color then you should probably switch to basic). The colors used are:

  • TRACE - blue
  • DEBUG - cyan
  • INFO - green
  • WARN - yellow
  • ERROR - red
  • FATAL - magenta


import {Logger} from "@tsed/logger";

const logger = new Logger("loggerName");

logger.appenders.set("std-log", {
  type: "stdout",
  layout: {type: "colored"},
  level: ["debug", "info", "trace"]
logger.debug("Log something");

This will output:

[2017-03-30 07:57:00.113] [DEBUG] [loggerName] - Log something

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